Patient Health Record
In order to help me render the proper dental services to you, would you please be kind enough to answer the following questions? Please note the space for remarks for any answers that require clarification or any other information you think I should have. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please complete both sides of this form
Personal Information Date: / /20
last first middle initial
Medical Health
month year
Please circle Y (yes) or N (no) as applicable.
Have you ever had or been treated for…
( please complete both sides )
Are you allergic to: Penicillin? Y / N Local Anesthetics? Y / N
Codeine? Y / N Metals? Y / N
Are you subject to prolonged bleeding? Y / N
Dental Health
Do your gums bleed while brushing? Y / N
Do you avoid brushing any part of your mouth due to pain? Y / N
Do you feel twinges of pain when your teeth come in contact with (circle) Hot / Cold / Sweets?
Do you wear dentures? Y / N
Do you lose fillings? Y / N
Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth? Y / N
Please add anything you feel is important.
Office Policy:
All accounts are payable in full within 30 days of treatment. After 30 days, a service charge will be assessed at the rate of 1.00% per month, a minimum of $5.00. The minimum monthly payment to avoid such a service charge is the larger of 20% of the total amount due or $25.Consent and Agreement: I hereby authorize the Doctor to take radiographs, study models, photographs, or other diagnostic aids deemed appropriate by the Doctor to make a thorough diagnosis of my dental needs. I also authorize the Doctor to prescribe any and all forms of medication and perform any therapy that may be indicated and agreed upon. I understand that responsibility for payment for dental services provided by this office for me or my dependents is mine.
Signature of patient or responsible party Date
( please complete both sides )